Thursday, May 27, 2010

Huntsville Stars


Well, I had some bacon and eggs, closed up camp and went on another cave tour.  This one had the cool formations.  Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to go on the ‘Wild Cave Tour’ where you actually have to have a helmet and headlamp, and their are size restrictions due to tiny passageways.  Maybe next time.

At Piggly Wiggly, I found Dr. Wham! great name, although Dr Pig would’ve been great too.  I am up to 4 Drs now.

Mileage: 94164

Tent down: 4:17

Tent up: 7:22 (There is dirt in the end of the poles that make it harder to stick on the corner pins)

So Huntsville.  Hopefully there are better parts than I am driving through.  A lot of commerce.  And not sparkly stuff either.  And the stadium fits in with that analysis.  It is there.  It is functional.  It is boring.  Huge though, can seat a lot of people.  Yesterday was a rainout, so today was a double header that started at 5, and had two 7-inning games.  I got there at about 5, and for the majority of the first game, there were 150 people there.  Weird  by itself, then add a big stadium and it is creepy.  I sat down the left field line for a while, and had 8 sections to myself.  I decided it was too far away, I think I could scrounge up another seat somewhere.  I got some food(a good Philly cheesesteak) and walked towards behind the first base dugout.  Right on cue, a foul ball gets hit over my head, bounces off an empty seat and comes down near where I am about to sit.  Thank you very much, almost a legit foul ball!  Now I just need to get one while it is still moving.  The in-game entertainment was spotty, the sound system fritzy and their big screen was turned off.  Weird game.  Nice classic hat though.

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